Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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iRTG Program SS 2016

Doctoral Students Seminar

12. April 2016
KurzNMR-Investigations of Semicrystalline Polymer Systems PEO and PCLMLU, VDP 3, SR 1.03
10. May 2016
BökerThermodynamic simulation of single proteins by Stochastic Approximation Monte CarloMLU, VDP3 SR 1.09
14. June 2016
BekçioğluProton Dynamics and Water Wires from First-Principles Calculations (rehearsal)MLU, VDP3, SR 1.03
05. July 2016
FrenzelMolecular dynamics and charge transport in Polymeric Ionic LiquidsUL, Linnestr. 5, SR 221
23. Aug 2016
KordtsCharacterization of the Self-Assembly Process of Hydrophobins at Interfaces and in SolutionMLU, VDP 3, SR 1.03
20. Sep 2016
WichtConformational dynamics of α-helices follow an Einstein-type 1-D boundary diffusion mechanism.UL, Linnestr. 5, SR 221
  • MLU-location: Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3 (VDP 3), Halle (Saale)
  • UL-location: Linnestr. 5, Leipzig

Additional Qualification Program

Other ways to obtain points

  • Active participation by giving talks: In coordination with the SFB office we would like you to suggest your topic and occasion of your talk.
  • Registration for season schools: please let us know, what you have participated in
  • External Research Experience: please let us know, if you have had an external research experience
