Dekanat / Sekretariat
Evelin Grasse
phone: 0345 5525501
fax: 0345 5527158
room 2.34
von-Danckelmann-Platz 3
06120 Halle
Studiendekanat / Prüfungsamt
phone: 0345 5525600
phone: 0345 5525601
fax: 0345 5527223
room 1.42/1.43
von-Danckelmann-Platz 3
06120 Halle
Faculty of Natural Sciences II - Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics

Faculty buildings on Campus Heide
Dean's office
Dean of the Faculty | Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt |
Dean of Research | Prof. Dr. Dariush Hinderberger |
Dean of Studies | Prof. Dr. Raphael Kruse |
Referentin der Fakultät | Dr. Birgit Lebek |
Referentin des Studiendekanats | Dr. Kerstin Brennecke |