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Current Topics in Polymer Research

Forthcoming Events

The seminars "Current Topics in Polymer Research" (Polymer and Soft Matter Seminars) will take place on Tuesdays at 4.15 pm in seminar room 1.27 at Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4.

08.04.2025 / 17.02.2025

Archive: 21.01.2025 / 07.01.2025 / 16.12.2024 / 03.12.2024 / 26.11.2024 /19.11.2024 /12.11.2024 / 29.10.2024 / 22.10.2024 / 15.10.2024 / 01.08.2024 / 25.06.2024 / 18.06.2024 / 11.06.2024 / 04.06.2024 / 14.05.2024 / 30.04.2024 / 23.04.2024 / 16.04.2024

Events from previous years

Mon, 17.02.2025 - additional seminar

11:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Antonia Statt

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)

Computational Design and Simulations of Soft Matter: From Molecular Insights to Functional Materials

This talk will first focus on the molecular inverse design of sequence-defined macromolecules for complex self-assembled disordered large-scale aggregates. By combining large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of simple models and machine learning, we identify monomer sequences that enable the design of precise target morphologies, such as drug delivery vesicles or micelles. The second topic addresses the morphology of hybrid lipid block-copolymer bilayers, offering new insights for the design of artificial membranes, transmembrane proteins, and interactions of nanoplastics with membranes.

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Meeting-ID: 2789 157 9284
Passwort: dPTt8DJr27@

Tue, 08.04.2025

11:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Dieter Jendrossek

Universität Stuttgart


Tue, 21.01.2025

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Konrad Tiefenbacher

Universität Basel

Catalysis inside a supramolecular capsule

My group is interested in exploring catalysis inside supramolecular containers. Our main focus has been the hexameric resorcin[4]arene capsule, originally reported by the Atwood group.1 It has served us as a reliable catalyst for a variety of acid-catalyzed cationic reactions ranging from simple acetal hydrolysis to more complex iminium catalysis and terpene cyclizations. Investigations revealed that related molecular capsules are not competent in these reactions. The most recent results concerning terpene cyclizations will be presented.2,3 Furthermore, very recent published, as well as unpublished, results concerning stereoselective glycosylations inside the hexameric resorcin[4]arene capsule will be discussed.4 A unusual proton wire mechanism is likely at work. developed.

1.    L. R. MacGillivray, J. L. Atwood Nature 1997, 389, 469.
2.    L.-D. Syntrivanis, I. Némethová, D. Schmid, S. Levi, A. Prescimone, F. Bissegger, D. T. Major, K. Tiefenbacher J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 5894.
3.     I. Némethová, D. Schmid, K. Tiefenbacher Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202218625.
4.     T-R. Li, F. Huck, GM. Piccini, K. Tiefenbacher Nat. Chem. 2022, 14, 985.

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 07.01.2025 - Abgesagt

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Dr. Chien-Hua Tu

University of Pennsylvania, USA

(Non-)Equilibrium polymer chain behaviors in bulk and under nanoconfinement by dielectric spectroscopy

Dielectric spectroscopy (DS) alongside various microscopy techniques (e.g., AFM, SEM) has been used to study (non-)equilibrium polymer dynamics in bulk and under nanoconfinement. I will show recent findings to uncover the coupling-decoupling dynamics between slow main-chain backbone motions and fast side-group sticker motions across the glass transition temperature in an upcycled associating polymer, and demonstrate novel insights into the polymer imbibition within nanopores via self-developed nanofluidic DS technique, so called in situ nanodielectric spectroscopy (nDS). The critical role of chain adsorption during polymer imbibition has been elucidated.

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Meeting-ID: 2789 157 9284
Passwort: dPTt8DJr27@

Mon, 16.12.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schiller

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Proteins as precision macromolecules in the design of supramolecular architectures and adaptive materials for applications ranging from life-sciences to biomedical “soft robotics”

Biomimetic approaches provide multifunctional solutions in life-sciences and technical applications. Biomacromolecules, especially proteins, constitute high-performance materials, such as spider silk, mussel foot proteins, elastin, collagen and resilin, providing impressive functions throughout nature. Combining properties from elastin and resilin, the almost perfect elastic material in grasshopper joints, endow biomaterials with long-lasting elastic properties and strength. The grasshopper joint hybrid-protein resilin exhibits almost perfect elasticity with the highest resilience (>98%) of any known material[1], outperforming known man-made materials.

We mimic these proteins by redesigning partial sequences of them, designing peptide-repeating units enabling the formation of e.g. block-domain biomacromolecules similar to block-copolymers. The biotechnological productions of these biomacromolecules allows for their scalable and sustainable production. The precise molecular design/composition of these repetitive protein-macromolecules in combination with controlled amphiphilicity, can also provide specific properties via the design of hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains facilitating the constitution of supramolecular architectures. These domains are mainly composed of repetitive sequences of matrix-protein partial sequences based on elastin-like protein (ELP) motives.[2] They do not only allow for controlled amphiphilic properties, but also provide stimulus-responsive changes of molecular interactions allowing for the formation of adjustable supramolecular architectures[3]. Novel programmed interaction schemes with different biomolecules[4] and protocellular synthesis platforms/artificial cells, are shown[5]. Furthermore, we expand the range of synthetic macromolecules and natural or modified biomacromolecules to imitate tissues and muscular systems. The design of artificial muscles, exerting rhythmic autonomous movements via nonequilibrium states driven by chemically fueled pH oscillation reactions, is demonstrated. The results also show how directional movements can be independently triggered by changes in pH and temperature including a selective on-switch and a combination of nonequilibrium states enabling “learning and oblivion”-like material effects. This paves the road for the next generation of autonomous materials in pharmacy, soft robotics and living matter.

In sum the presented precision biomacromolecules provide advanced supramolecular architectures for important applications in various disciplines using adaptive materials towards smart soft robotics and tissue mimicry, pharmacy and medicine.

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 03.12.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Dr. Felix Löffler

Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung, Potsdam

Additive chemical nanomanufacturing

3D printing technologies have revolutionized manufacturing, enabling highly customized polymer structures. Building on this, we aim to extend such customization to chemical synthesis. We have developed a laser-based additive polymer printing technology, incorporating various chemical building blocks and post-synthesis chemical modifications. This technology enables flexible parallel chemical synthesis, surface functionalization, and biomedical screening applications [1, 2]. Using our platform, we achieve targeted material synthesis, such as defined metal oxide and perovskite nanoparticles [3, 4], as well as fluorescent carbon nanodots [5]. This additive chemical nanomanufacturing process opens pathways for designing nanomaterials and functional nanodevices, including those for anti-counterfeiting [6].

[1] Adv Mater 2022, 34, 2108493
[2] Adv Mater 2022, 34, 2200359
[3] Nat Commun 2021, 12, 3224
[4] Adv Mater 2024, 2409592
[5] Nat Nanotechnol 2023, 18, 1027–1035
[6] Nat Commun 2024, 15, 1040

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 26.11.2024 - Cancelled

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. André Gröschel

Universität Bayreuth

Polymer cubosomes: From degradable delivery platforms to hybrid materials for batteries

Polymer cubosomes are a relatively new class of self-assembled microparticles of block copolymers that are open porous, have large interfacial area, and carry functional groups on surface and inside the cubosome wall. In this presentation, I will give a brief overview of recent discoveries in this field and summarize also our efforts in designing polymer cubosomes with controlled shape, dimension, and chemistry. Currently, we focus on the synthesis of functional cubosomes, develop routes for their formation, and explore diverse applications including degradable mesoporous particles for agrochemistry, templating of high surface area materials, and components for batteries.

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 19.11.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Markus Retsch

Universität Bayreuth

Thermal transport and heat management in self-assembled materials

Thermal transport can be significantly influenced by the presence of nano- and mesostructures and the interfaces that exist in such materials. This structuring can be employed to realize super-insulation properties as well as efficient heat spreading. Consequently, nanoscale thermal transport has attracted a lot of research interest for the past 20 years. Furthermore, (colloidal) mesostructures play a pivotal role in light-matter interaction, covering a broad spectral range from ultra-violet to mid-infrared. Thus, solar radiance scattering and thermal radiation emission can be tuned towards passive radiative daytime cooling.

In this presentation, I will provide an overview of heat transport and heat management in mesostructured materials. Based on anisotropically structured materials on different length scales and dimensionalities I will highlight the vast possibilities to control the temperature distribution for various applications. Order and disorder further contribute to thermal transport pathways and scattering of light. Colloidal mixtures of distinct compositions are well-suited model systems to systematically unravel their role in heat management. Finally, we have a strong interest in materials with a gradient structure. I will demonstrate various pathways to access gradually structured materials and how they can be employed for optical engineering and switchable temperature gradients.

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 12.11.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Dr. Friederike Adams

Universität Stuttgart

Unlocking the Potential of Yttrium Catalysis: Functional Copolymers for Advanced Applications

Due to their impressive diversity, the application horizon of thermoplastics is extending far beyond the use as ordinary consumer goods. With the shift from commodity plastics to polymers used in high-tech applications, the precise tuning and modification of these materials is a key requirement. Therefore, the optimization of polymerization catalysts plays a significant role in modern polymer chemistry to efficiently produce different polymer architectures and microstructures for fine-tuning of material properties. Well-investigated yttrium complexes can act as highly active catalysts in two different coordination polymerization types: Ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of lactones and group-transfer polymerization (GTP) of Michael-type vinyl monomers. Modifications of the complexes were carried out to improve catalytic activity and enable the synthesis of functional block copolymers with diverse end-groups. The development of these new polymers addresses several key areas of modern polymer chemistry, including biobased materials, stimuli-responsive properties, and amphiphilic polymers for drug and nucleic acid delivery applications.

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Meeting-ID: 2789 157 9284
Passwort: dPTt8DJr27@

Tue, 29.10.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Christian Laforsch

University of Bayreuth

Microplastics in the Environment

The ubiquitous contamination of the environment with microplastics, the associated risks to ecosystems and ultimately to human health has recently attracted a great deal of public and scientific attention. Harmful effects of microplastics on various organisms have been shown related to the ingestion of microplastic particles. However, microplastic is a hypernym of a plethora of different polymers, each having its own distinct physical and chemical properties. Hence, no general statements can be made about the effects of microplastics per se. This is even more pronounced since microplastic particles occurring in nature exhibit various chemical and physical properties. The CRC initiative on microplastics (SFB1357) aims therefore to gain a fundamental understanding of the processes and mechanisms that cause biological effects of MP in limnic and terrestrial ecosystems, that influence migration of the MP particles within and between environmental compartments and that cause the formation of MP from macroscopic plastics - each depending on the physical and chemical properties of the plastics. These findings will provide a scientifically sound basis for the evaluation of the environmental risks of MP and to develop new environmentally friendly plastics in the sense of sustainable polymer chemistry.

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 22.102024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Johannes Brendel

University of Bayreuth

Tailored design of reactive polymers and nanostructures

Nature presents numerous examples for responsive structures, which react to subtle changes in their environment. In our group, various functional monomers and polymers are synthesized which react selectively to specific stimuli such as an oxidative environment or changes in pH. In the latter case, we realized amino-based polymers, which are selectively protonated in the biological most interesting range of pH 5-8. In another example, we utilize thioether groups to trigger a time-delayed release and degradation under oxidative conditions.

Another focus of our research is the controlled assembly of these functional polymers into nanostructures of specific shapes. Therefore, we investigate approaches such as poly­meri­zation in­duced self-assembly (PISA) or directed supramolecular interactions to guide the assembly of the functional polymer building blocks into different nanostructures. In the latter case, directing hydrogen bonds are employed to drive the assembly of funcionalized polymers into supramolecular bottlebrush-like fibres. The assembly follows a nucleation-growth mechanism which allows to tune the length of the fibers.

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 15.10.2024 -Cancelled

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Stefan Naumann

University of Freiburg

Borane Catalysts for the Preparation of (Isotactic) Polyethers

Research in our group aims at improving the way polyethers, such as poly(propylene oxide) (PPO), are made. This work concerns aspects such as dramatically expanding the achievable molar masses,[1] designing organocatalysts[2] or using cyclic carbonates as feedstock for the polyether preparation.[3] Here, we present the first metal-free strategy to prepare isotactic-enriched aliphatic polyethers, using racemic monomer feed of, i.e., propylene oxide (PO).[4] The corresponding organocatalysts are prepared in a simple two-step route, joining two borane functionalities via a chiral backbone derived from well-available 1,1’-bi-2-naphthol (BINOL). In tandem with organobases, these chiral diboranes deliver isotactic diad contents of up to 92% alongside well-defined and high molar masses (1.1 < ÐM < 1.3, Mn > 100 000 g/mol). Notably, it is also possible to exploit the inherent functional group tolerance of boranes to grow isotactic-enriched sequences of PPO on aliphatic polyester-type initiators (polycaprolactone, polylactide), thus enabling the incorporation of stereocontrolled polyether blocks in more complex polymer architectures. It is expected that this ability will greatly benefit the preparation of polyether-containing additives. The BINOL-type backbones can be readily modified,[5] suggesting further potential as a platform from which optimized diborane catalysts can be developed.

[1] P. Walther, A. Krauss, S. Naumann, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 10737.
[2] S. Naumann, A. W. Thomas, A. P. Dove, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 9550.
[3] N. von Seggern, T. Schindler, S. Naumann, Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 2661.
[4] A. Sirin-Sariaslan, S. Naumann, Chem. Sci. 2022, 13, 10939.
[5] A. Sirin-Sariaslan, S. Naumann, Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 11069.

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Thu., 01.08.2024 - additional seminar

11:00 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Jun Xu

Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University (China)

Study on Crystal Nucleation of Polymers and Molecular Design of Environmentally Benign Polymers

Determining the size of critical nuclei of crystals is key to understanding the nucleation mechanism and testing the nucleation theories. However, it has been a great challenge from both experimental and theoretical perspectives. We have proposed a method to determine the size of critical nuclei in polymer lamellar crystals based on the probability of selecting crystallizable units on the chains of random copolymers. The sizes of critical secondary nuclei of poly(butylene succinate) and poly(L-lactide)/poly(D-lactide) stereo-complex have been obtained, which show that a critical secondary nucleus consists of multiple chain stems rather than one stem. The results contest the classical Lauritzen-Hoffman theory. Furthermore, we show that the sizes of critical secondary nuclei, isothermally crystallized from dilute solution, do not vary with supersaturation, which contradicts with the common view.

In the second part, I will show our research on fundamental research and industrial applications of biodegradable polyesters synthesized form diacids and diols. Via molecular design adopting dynamic covalent bonds, we synthesized a series of self-healable and recyclable polyurethanes, which are finding applications in biomedical fields.

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Tue, 25.06.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Pieter Lemstra

Plempolco B.V. (The Netherlands)

Processing of ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene reactor powders

Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene, UHMW-PE, could become an interesting engineering plastic in view of the very beneficial properties like toughness, chemical resistance and notably the very high abrasion resistance, in fact superior amongst all (thermo)plastics. But the major problem is the processability via standard processing routes like injection-molding and extrusion is not possible due to the very high molar mass, >3 MDa. The melt-viscosity scaling with exponent 3.4 is prohibitively high, preventing any melt-flow.
UHMW-PE is processed via compression-moulding and/or ram-extrusion (‘hammering’ UHMW-PE through a heated tube into rods) and subsequently machined into parts. Consequently, UHMW-PE is currently only some 0,2% of the total PE market. The melt-viscosity in polymer systems is related to the presence of a physical network of entangled polymer chains and chain mobility is restricted to reptative motions as coined by De Gennes [1]. With an increasing number of entanglements per chain molecule the viscosity increases and hence the flowability of the molten polymer reduces and in the case of UHMWPE the well-known melt-index, MFI, an industrial measure of flowability, is close to zero, no flow.
The question is could removal of entanglements prior to processing (radically) improve flow hence processability? Past and ongoing research on this issue will be presented.
[1] P.G. De Gennes, Scaling concepts in polymer physics, Cornell University Press (1979)

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Tue, 18.06.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Pol Besenius

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Kinetic Pathways in the Supramolecular Polymerisation of Multidomain Polymer-Peptide Conjugates and Printable Hydrogels

Spatial and temporal control are critical properties to advance and optimize functional macromolecular materials in  order to mimic key features of living systems. In my contribution, I will first discuss our methodology in developing  non-equilibrium states for thermoresponsive supramolecular polymers and hydrogels. I will focus on peptide supramolecular amphiphiles using peptide-polymer conjugates or functionalized metallo-amphiphile scaffolds.[1-3] By  varying experimental conditions, sample preparation protocols or the use various external stimuli the supramolecular  polymerization is biased and controlled with respect to the morphology of the resulting structures. Charge regulated  ß–sheet self-assembly of alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acids is used in order to couple pH-stimuli to  redox-switchable properties. We have studied the pathway complexity in these supramolecular systems involving the  occurrence of metastable and kinetically trapped states, which are key in manipulating assembly protocols in view of  preparing materials systems integrating mechanical, optical or biological function.4 The design of kinetically controlled  systems has the potential to produce variable structures from the same starting material, expanding on the possibilities  and applications of purely thermodynamically controlled supramolecular polymerisations. In the second part I present  our methodology to prepare supramolecular networks which show fast stress relaxation combined with a second  physical network that can be transformed into a chemical network by applying an external photo-trigger. The  interpenetrating network shows improved shape fidelity and supports cell proliferation to allow successful applications  as bio-inks and printable cell-laden materials.[5]

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 11.06.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Dennis Kurzbach

University of Vienna (Austria)

Biomolecular phase transitions by non-equilibrium NMR and dissolution DNP

Contemporarily, the physical chemistry of phase transitions witnesses a lively renaissance in a novel, biomolecular context. The functional importance of such conversion has become increasingly evident, e.g., in liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of intrinsically disordered proteins and biomineral precursors. To characterize and understand these complex events, new experimental methods are necessary to shed light on the atomistic configuration of biomacromolecules during their transitions. A challenge that innovative magnetic resonance approaches can meet.

In this contribution, we suggest an unconventional approach to this challenge based on integrating hyperpolarization by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (d-DNP). By integrating d-DNP into existing structural biology methodological frameworks, we show that it is possible to characterize phase transitions involved in non-classical biomineralization monitored at atomistic detail by real-time NMR on timescales ranging from milliseconds to hours. While the established giants, XRD, EM, MD, and conventional solid- and liquid-state NMR are well fit to characterize the stable starting materials and final solids, d-DNP can draw the connection between them, allowing us to rationalize these important processes.

We demonstrate the potential using bio-silica precipitation via designer peptides with a functional RRIL motif thereby exploiting several recent developments: hybrid hydraulic/pneumatic injection systems(1) for controlled initiation of the precipitation processes, hyperpolarization protocols for various mineral salts (phosphates, silicates)(2), multiplexed detection schemes for comprehensive process monitoring,(3) and integration with computational techniques to obtain high-resolution models.(4)

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 04.06.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Arash Nikoubashman

Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden and Technical University Dresden, Germany

Plastic life: What polymer physics can teach us about disordered proteins

The discovery of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) has heralded a paradigm shift in molecular biology away from the principle of ”form follows function”. These IDPs can form biomolecular condensates that fulfill numerous functions in living cells, e.g., signal transduction, stress response and controlled reactions. Due to the conceptual similarities between IDPs and classical polymers, physics-based theories and computer simulations can help to understand, predict and engineer the static and dynamic properties of naturally occurring and synthetic IDPs. In this talk, I will present selected insights we have gained from coarse-grained molecular simulations, and discuss the intricacies and limitations of the underlying models. Key findings include that IDPs inherently exhibit heterogeneous interactions that are weak and distributed along the chain contour, and that IDPs collapse at the condensate-water interface and are tangentially oriented. Further, we discovered that the phase behavior and materials properties of condensates can be deducted with great accuracy from the conformations of single IDP chains in solution.

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Tue, 14.05.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Stephen Schrettl

Technical University of Munich

Supramolecular Assembly for Dynamic and Responsive Polymer Systems

An assembly of monomers that feature dynamic non-covalent interactions furnishes supramolecular materials. The fact that external stimuli can modulate the strength of the interactions may lead to a temporary disassembly, which impart the materials with useful adaptive functionalities and is of interest for a cyclic materials use. In this presentation, supramolecular polymers are introduced that combine responsive characteristics with mechanical strengths akin to those of conventional plastics. By combining different building blocks that possess distinct mechanical properties, we can create materials that are strong, stiff, and tough (Figure 1). The ability to combine building blocks in any ratio allows to prepare objects with a spatially modulated mechanical behavior, effectively mimicking the anisotropic properties of more complex natural materials. Additionally, this presentation will also discuss supramolecular strategies in the development of nanoparticle composites and introduce advanced materials that generate specific optical responses when subjected to mechanical stress.

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 30.04.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Valerian Hirschberg

Clausthal University of Technology

Synthesis, rheology and constitutive modelling of complex polymer model systems

Understanding  the effect of branching on the melt rheological properties in shear and  elongation is of fundamental interest since the dawn of polymer science  and allows to engineer material properties, with the classical example  for Polyethylene of HDPE and LDPE. Besides the number and the molecular  weight of the arms, the exact location of the branching points, i.e., the exact architecture of the polymer (its topology) is key to control shear and extensional rheological properties.

Continuing the pom-pom story from a purely theoretical approach, about twenty low-disperse, polystyrene samples with a pom-pom  topology were synthesized with optimized synthetic routes via a  combination of anionic polymerization and grafting onto, in the scale of  up to 300 g per model system. The molecular parameters of the pom-poms such as molecular weight of the backbone (MW,bb = 100 - 400 kg/mol), of the arms (MW,a = 2.5 – 300 kg/mol) and the arm number at each end (q = 5-30) are systematically varied. The shear and elongational behaviour are investigated experimentally and modelled with the pom-pom and the Hierarchical Multi-mode Molecular Stress Function (HMMSF) model.

Shear thinning is found in small amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) measurements, depending on MW,a, the backbone volume fraction and backbone self-entanglement. The zero-shear  viscosity and the diluted modulus as a function of the backbone volume  fraction are analysed. Additionally, criteria to predict backbone self-entanglement  based on the effective backbone entanglement are investigated and  compared with double reputation theory. The results of the pom-poms  are compared with literature data of combs. In elongational flow, very  high strain hardening factors > 100 are found. Following the pom-pom model and the Considère criterium, the SHF can be predicted based exclusively on the arm number q if the backbone is self-entangled by a factor of . For combs and pom-poms with similar molecular properties, similar SHF are obtained in elongational flow.

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Tue, 23.04.2024 cancelled

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Johannes C. Brendel

University of Bayreuth

Tailored design of reactive polymers and nanostructures

Nature  presents numerous examples for responsive structures, which react to  subtle changes in their environment. In our group, various functional  monomers and polymers are synthesized which react selectively to  specific stimuli such as an oxidative environment or changes in pH. In  the latter case, we realized amino-based polymers, which are selectively protonated in the biological most interesting range of pH 5-8. In another example, we utilize thioether groups to trigger a time-delayed release and degradation under oxidative conditions.

Another  focus of our research is the controlled assembly of these functional  polymers into nanostructures of specific shapes. Therefore, we  investigate approaches such as poly­meri­zation in­duced self-assembly  (PISA) or directed supramolecular interactions to guide the assembly of  the functional polymer building blocks into different nanostructures.  In the latter case, directing hydrogen bonds are employed to drive the  assembly of funcionalized polymers into supramolecular bottlebrush-like fibres. The assembly follows a nucleation-growth mechanism which allows to tune the length of the fibers.

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Meeting-ID: 2780 086 2329
Passwort: EnpUgUH23*4

Tue, 16.04.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Sijbren Otto

Centre for Systems Chemistry, Stratingh Institute, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)

Oligomerization and Self-Assembly in the De-Novo Synthesis of Life

How  the immense complexity of living organisms has arisen is one of the  most intriguing questions in contemporary science. We have started to  explore experimentally how organization and function can emerge from  complex molecular networks in aqueous solution. 1 We focus on networks  of molecules that can interconvert, to give mixtures that can change  their composition in response to external or internal stimuli.  Noncovalent interactions within molecules in such mixtures can lead to  the formation of foldamers.2,3 In contrast, molecular recognition  between molecules in such mixtures leads to their mutualstabilization,  which drives the synthesis of more of the privileged structures (Figure  1). As the assembly process drives the synthesis of the very molecules  that assemble, the resulting materials can be considered to be self-synthesizing.  Intriguingly, in this process the assembling molecules are replicating  themselves, where replication is driven by self-recognition of these molecules in the dynamic network.4  The selection rules that dictate which (if any) replicator will emerge  from such networks are starting to become clear. 5 We have also  witnessed spontaneous differentiation (a process akin to speciation as  it occurs in biology) in a system made from a mixture of two building  blocks.6 When such systems are operated under far-from-equilibrium  flow conditions, adaptation of the replicators to a changing  environment can occur. Replicators that are able to catalyse reactions  other than their own formation have also been obtained, representing a  first step towards metabolism.7,8 Rudimentary Darwinian evolution  of purely synthetic molecules has also been achieved 9 and the prospect  of synthesizing life de-novo is
becoming increasingly realistic. 10

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Past Events

Tue, 23.01.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Science, Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Bayreuth

Plastic pollution: Role of sustainable biodegradable polymers

The extreme stability of polymers has challenged society with the  accumulation of plastic waste and its management worldwide. Whether  biodegradable polymers can be one of the solutions to the problem of  plastic waste is a question very often raised in this context. The  answer is not straightforward as several aspects need to be considered  regarding environmental sustainability, acceptability, and degradability  in the complex natural environment. The present talk will discuss the  present scenario of the environmental acceptability of biodegradable  polymers and the opportunities and challenges they offer regarding  solving the problem of plastic pollution and their impact on the  environment.

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Tue, 16.01.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Franke

Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

Nanometer Resolution and Single-Molecule Sensitivity -
Super-Resolution Microscopy for Polymer Research

Fluorescence based super-resolution microscopy methods, such as single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM), have emerged as the prime tool to investigate structure-function relationships of cellular organelles with three-dimensional nanometer resolution and single-molecule sensitivity. The unique nature of SMLM, i.e.  pinpointing molecular identities, has allowed a huge array of  discoveries in the life sciences. Besides the often prominently featured  ‘pretty pictures’ with unmatched spatial resolution of down to 10 nm,  SMLM offers the unique feature of analyzing the localization data  itself, which is commonly applied to cluster analyses, thus probing  spatial inhomogeneities in the target structure with distinct molecular  identities based on their spectral fingerprint, including anisotropy.

Although the main field of application of SMLM and related super-resolution techniques lies in cell biology and connected clinical research, its unique features regarding the multi-colour,  nanometric sampling of the target structure, topology and homogeneities  in large fields of view and volumes yield huge potential in polymer  research. For instance, we currently apply SMLM to study the nanoscale  structure-function relationship of polymeric nanoparticles,  utilized for drug delivery. Here, the goal is to correlate the  properties of the polymeric particle to their intracellular fate, to  yield a feedback loop to finally design nanoparticles of highest  efficacy and lowest toxicity.

Recently, we also started to apply SMLM to more fundamental polymeric systems, e.g.  the nanoscale architecture of polymeric hydrogels in different states  of hydration. SMLM usually requires aqueous environments, due to the  demanding requirements regarding the photo-physical properties of  commonly used dyes. We thus established a novel approach, at the same  time enabling SMLM in solid state polymeric, i.e. dry, environments, and utilizing these structures as novel reference structures for super-resolution  microscopy. This opens up entirely new avenues for SMLM analyses of  visualizing polymer matrices with nanometer resolution and changes  therein in context of potential ligands or changing environmental  conditions.

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Tue, 09.01.2024

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

PD Dr. Robert Göstl

DWI – Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials, Aachen, Germany
and RWTH Aachen University, Germany

From force-reporting to force-resistant: using mechanochemistry to understand polymer materials

One  of the grand scientific challenges of our time is how the remarkable  properties of matter emerge from the complex correlations of their  molecular constituents. We perform research adhering to this principle  by following the results of mechanical stress and strain on  macromolecular materials, which often requires to survey large samples  with molecular level resolution due to the multiscale nature of force.

To  do so, we firstly design and synthesize molecular optical force probes  and the respective macromolecular materials made from them in a  transdisciplinary approach.[1] We mainly employ Diels-Alder  adducts of π-extended anthracenes and maleimides reporting over covalent  bond scission events due to their sensitive nature and facile  tunability of their optical properties.[2,3]

Secondly,  we use these mechanofluorophores to investigate the mechanical behavior  of complex and non-uniform high-performance polymers, such as rubbers  and composites, and soft matter, e.g., hydrogels and colloidal  hydrogel networks, in detail developing novel methodologies. From these  experiments, we aim to draw conclusions over the behavior of these  materials under force.[4,5]

Eventually, we strive to use the insights gained from this to develop materials with improved mechanical properties by, e.g.,  introducing pathways to dissipate stresses at the locations where they  are most critical or to self-reinforce or by the activation of latent  functional motifs to perform mechanically activated chemical reactions.[6]

[1] S. He, M. Stratigaki, S. P. Centeno, A. Dreuw, R. Göstl, Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 15889–15897.
[2] D. Yildiz, C. Baumann, A. Mikosch, A. J. C. Kuehne, A. Herrmann, R. Göstl, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 12919–12923.
[3] C. Baumann, M. Stratigaki, S. P. Centeno, R. Göstl, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 13287–13293.
[4] E. Izak-Nau, S. Braun, A. Pich, R. Göstl, Adv. Sci. 2022, 9, 2104004.
[5] S. He, S. Schog, Y. Chen, Y. Ji, S. Panitz, W. Richtering, R. Göstl, Adv. Mater. 2023, 35, 2305845.
[6] D. Campagna, R. Göstl, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202207557.

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Tue, 14.12.2023 - Special date

14:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.02 Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, 06120 Halle

Prof. Dr. Alexey V. Lyulin

Soft Matter and Biological Physics, Department of Applied Physics and Science Education, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands and Center for Computational Energy Research, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Multiscale modelling of the glass transition in Nafion membranes for
perspective flow and fuel batteries

Nafion  is a commonly used polyelectrolyte membrane (PEM) in fuel cells and  flow batteries. Nanocomposites of Nafion are used to enhance temperature  resistance and proton conductivity. The properties of hydrated  membranes, and the water influence on Nafion glassy behavior is very  important. We first report molecular-dynamics simulations of Nafion  films of different thicknesses between two potential walls of variable  wettability [1]. The water cluster sizes showed an increase with film  thickness for the high wettability cases, in agreement with SAXS  experiments. The in-plane water diffusion was considerably enhanced for  the high wettability walls. We report the modelling of the annealing  effects on both structure, dynamics and electric conductivity of the  membranes. We observe [2] strong antiplasticization effect and increase  in the glass-transition temperature upon hydration. The hydrophilic  channels evolution upon annealing and associated changes in ion  diffusion and electric conductivity will be discussed. Large scale  Dissipative Particle Dynamics simulations were carried out as well to  study the temporal evolution of the water-PEM interface as a function of  the PEM side-chain length.

This  work was done as a part of the FOM-SHELL 15CSER13 research project and  was carried out on the Dutch national e-infrastructure with the support  of SURF Cooperative. AVL and AV both thank DUO-India Fellowship Program  for the possibility to visit and work at IISER Pune and TU Eindhoven,  correspondingly. Arun Venkatnathan thanks DST Nanomission Thematic Unit  (SR/NM/TP-13/2016(G)).

[1] S. Sengupta,  A. V. Lyulin, J. Phys. Chem. B, 122, 6107-6119, 2018.
[2] A. V. Lyulin  S. Sengupta, A. Varghese, P. Komarov and A. Venkatnathan, ACS Appl.  Polym. Mater., 2, 5058-5066, 2020.

Tue, 12.12.2023

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Andreas Herrmann

Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials DWI, Aachen, Germany
RWTH Aachen, Germany

Sonopharmacology and Sonogenetics: Activating drugs, proteins and genes by ultrasound

Remote  controlling biological systems is an exciting endeavour because it is  the offspring for new therapies and allows answering fundamental  biological questions. In this context, the field of optogenetics has  enabled the understanding of neural circuits and disorders.[1,2] However, current optogenetic techniques are hampered by the low  penetration of light into tissue and hence often require invasive  surgical procedures to deliver photons to target cells. Therefore,  ultrasound (US) was used as alternative trigger since US can deeply  penetrate tissue with high spatiotemporal control and has been safely  applied in the clinic for many decades.[3] Our group has  developed general molecular technologies to activate drugs, proteins and  nucleic acids by US employing principles from polymer mechano-chemistry.[4,5] Two types of mechano-sensitive carriers have been discovered, i.e.  high molar mass polynucleic acid aptamers and colloidal hydrogel  microbubbles. Polynucleic acids fabricated by enzymatic reactions  undergo covalent and non-covalent bond cleavage induced by shear forces originating from US-induced  cavitation bubbles. These nucleic acid carriers harbouring different  bioactive payloads allow the activation of small bioactive molecules and  drugs that can initiate gene expression, kill pathogens or cure  diseases.[4,5] Moreover, the activation of thrombin by US allows the general control over protein activity in combination with split inteins.[6] A particular emphasis is paid to reducing US energies to make these  sonogenetic and sonopharmacological systems compatible with living  matter.[7] In this realm, microbubbles containing a hydrogel shell with embedded mechanophores were developed.[8]

[1]  Haubensak W, Kunwar PS, Cai H, Ciocchi S, Wall NR, Ponnusamy R,  Jonathan Biag, Dong H-W, Deisseroth K, Callaway EM, Fanselow MS, Lüthi  A, Anderson DJ, Nature (2010) 468: 270.
[2] Kravitz AV, Freeze BS, Parker PR, Kay K, Thwin MT, Deisseroth K, Kreitzer AC, Nature (2010) 466: 622.
[3] Wang T, Wang H, Pang G, He T, Yu P, Cheng G, Zhang Y, Chang J, ACS Appl. Mat. & Interf. (2020) 12: 56692.
[4] Paul A, Warszawik EM, Loznik M, Boersma AJ, Herrmann A, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2020) 59, 20328.
[5] Huo S, Zhao P, Shi Z, Zou M, Yang X, Warszawik E, Loznik M, Göstl G, Herrmann A, Nat. Chem. (2021) 13: 131.
[6] Zhao P, Huo S, Fan J, Chen J, Kiessling F, Boersma AJ, Göstl R, Herrmann A, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2021) 60, 14707.
[7] Yildiz D, Göstl R, Herrmann A, Chem. Sci. (2022) 13: 13708.
[8]  Xuan M, Fan J, Ngoc Khiêm V, Zou M, Brenske KO, Mourran A, Vinokur R,  Zheng L, Itskov M, Göstl R, Herrmann A, Adv. Mat. (2023) published  online

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Tue, 05.12.2023

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Felix H. Schacher

Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

Can polymers do magic? - The role(s) of polymeric templates in light-driven catalysis

Polymers are a versatile class of materials with almost unlimited  combinations of functional groups being present in close proximity. This  in combination with a widely tunable solubility has enabled quite a  range of examples where building blocks for light-driven catalysis (i.e.,  photosensitizers and catalysts) are immobilized using either covalent  anchoring or non-covalent interactions. During recent years, we have  developed different soft matter matrices for either light-driven  hydrogen evolution (HER) or water oxidation (WOC) based on unimolecular  graft copolymers, block copolymer micelles, hydrogels, or nanoporous  block copolymer membranes. In all cases, close proximity of the  immobilized building blocks facilitated light-driven reactivity, but we  also observed additional effects during our studies, such as prolonged  lifetime of photosensitizers, altered degradation pathways, or the  possibility to repair / exchange catalysts or sensitizers. In addition,  some effects imply that – especially in case of polyampholytic graft  copolymers – the polymeric matrix is also involved in charge transport,  presumably due to the high charge density present along the polymer  backbone. Altogether, in this contribution we try to derive some general  guidelines for the design of (charged) soft matter matrices for  light-driven catalysis.

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Tue, 28.11.2023

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Dr. Mehdi D. Davari

Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Germany

Synergizing Science and Innovation: Developing Sustainable Detergents with Computational Modeling and Experiments

The  modern laundry detergents present a complex interplay of diverse  components - enzymes, surfactants, builders, bleaching agents, and minor  additives, all synergistically engineered to remove stains. A  fundamental comprehension of the molecular interactions between these  components stands as a pivotal avenue for advancing the formulation,  performance, and sustainability of detergent industry products.

In this presentation, I will delve into the research conducted within  the Henkel Innovation Campus for Advanced and Sustainable Technologies  (HICAST) between 2014 and 2019 at RWTH Aachen University. HICAST's  primary focus was on developing novel, sustainable laundry detergents by  unlocking the mysteries surrounding interactions among detergent  components. Our primary objective was to deeply probe the molecular  dynamics governing the boosting of protease activity in detergent  enzymes when interacting with polymers and surfactants. Our  multidisciplinary approach, integrating computational modeling  (atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamic simulations), alongside  colorimetric analysis and biophysical characterization methods (CD, FCS,  ITC, and DLS), and innovative enzyme engineering, outlined a promising  workflow. This methodology provided us with profound molecular insights  into the mechanisms that govern this enhancement and effectively elevate  detergent performance. Importantly, the profound understanding of the  fundamental principles underpinning increased protease performance holds  promise for applications across diverse detergent enzymes. It is poised  to revolutionize the engineering of enzymes, polymers, and surfactants  compositions in the realm of modern laundry detergents.

This presentation offers a glimpse into a realm where computational  modeling, enzyme engineering, and soft matter engineering converge,  opening the door to an era of more sustainable, high-performing  detergent formulations.

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Tue, 21.11.2023

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Karsten Mäder

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Pharmacy, Germany

Biodegradable polyesters for drug delivery: materials and performance

Biodegradable  polyesters are important materials for controlled drug delivery. Until  now, mainly polylactide (PLA) and poly-(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA are  used to deliver the drug molecules over several weeks to months. The  talk will discuss how material properties and processes, but also the  size (nano- vs. micron range) are linked with the control of drug  delivery. Despite PLA and PLGA dominate the field until now, they have  several drawbacks. The formation of the acidic monomers lactic and  glycolic acid leads to the formation of highly acidic microenvironments  in vitro and in vivo 1–3 and might cause acylation and degradation of drug molecules prior release 4.  It also triggers autocatalytic polymer degradation which leads to the  paradox of a faster degradation of larger particles and implants. Acidic  microenvironments can be prevented by the use of PEG-PLGA block  polymers. Block polymers permit also and better release of hydrophilic  drugs, because a zero-order release with no lag time can be achieved 5.  The presentation will discuss the monitoring of the polymer  microenvironment by EPR spectroscopy and optical imaging. It will also  highlight the need for the development of alternative polymers for drug  delivery purposes.

1. Mäder, K., Gallez, B., Liu, K. J. & Swartz, H. M. Non-invasive  in vivo characterization of release processes in biodegradable polymers  by low-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Biomaterials17, 457–461 (1996).
2.  Liu, Y. & Schwendeman, S. P. Mapping microclimate pH distribution  inside protein-encapsulated PLGA microspheres using confocal laser  scanning microscopy. Mol. Pharm.9, 1342–1350 (2012).
3.  Schädlich, A., Kempe, S. & Mäder, K. Non-invasive in vivo  characterization of microclimate pH inside in situ forming PLGA implants  using multispectral fluorescence imaging. J. Control. Release179, 52–62 (2014).
4. Lucke, A., Kiermaier, J. & Göpferich, A. Peptide Acylation by Poly(α-Hydroxy Esters). Pharm. Res. 2002 19219, 175–181 (2002).
5. Elena de Souza, L. et al. Has PEG-PLGA advantages for the delivery of hydrophobic drugs? Risperidone as an example. J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Technol.61, 102239 (2020).

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Tue, 14.11.2023

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Dr. Martina Delbianco

Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Postdam-Golm, Germany

Synthetic carbohydrate-based materials

Natural  biopolymers have inspired the development of synthetic analogues  capable of adopting defined conformations and forming programmable  three-dimensional architectures. These compounds are mainly based on  peptides and nucleic acids, that are well understood at the molecular  level. In contrast, the complexity of carbohydrate synthesis and  structural analysis have prevented access to synthetic carbohydrates  capable of adopting defined geometries. In the Delbianco group, we  prepare well-defined oligosaccharides to understand how the primary  sequence affects the carbohydrate conformation.1 With multiple analytical techniques, we study the conformation of single carbohydrate chains2 and explore how several carbohydrate molecules aggregate to form a material3.  Building on this fundamental knowledge, we present the rational design  and synthesis of a glycan adopting a stable secondary structure,4 challenging the common belief that glycans are not capable of folding  due to their flexibility. The ability to control the conformation of  glycans could lead to the generation of programmable 3-D architectures,  with applications in catalysis and nanotechnology.

1. Y. Yu, T. Tyrikos-Ergas, Y. Zhu,  G. Fittolani, V. Bordoni, A. Singhal, R. J. Fair, A. Grafmüller, P. H.  Seeberger, M. Delbianco, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1433-7851
2.  X. Wu, M. Delbianco, K. Anggara, T. Michnowicz, A. Pardo-Vargas, P.  Bharate, S. Sen, M. Pristl, S. Rauschenbach, U. Schlickum, S. Abb, P. H.  Seeberger, K. Kern, Nature 2020, 582, 375-378.
3. G. Fittolani, D. Vargová, P. H. Seeberger, Y. Ogawa, M. Delbianco, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 12469-12475.
4.  G. Fittolani, T. Tyrikos-Ergas, Y. Yu, N. Yadav, P.H. Seeberger, J.  Jiménez-Barbero, M. Delbianco, Synthesis of a glycan hairpin, Nat. Chem., 2023, 15, 1461

Tue, 07.11.2023

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Dr. Eva von Domaros

Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

Can polymer properties be predicted from theory?

The material class of polymers is not only extremely large and  complex. Polymers are important parts of our daily lives as plastics or  biopolymers like sugars or the DNA backbone. The theoretical  understanding---let alone the prediction---of polymer properties is very  demanding. The reason therefore is a combination of polymer  characteristics. Very large system sizes that easily reach thousands of  repeating subunits are hardly feasible for accurate electronic structure  methods such as DFT. Furthermore, in contrast to crystalline compounds,  polymers are amorphous and lack periodic symmetry, which can be  exploited for crystals in periodic calculations. Theoretical models  which are capable of treating these systems necessarily apply  approximations such as parameterized force fields and, hence, are less  accurate and reliable.

In this presentation, a novel approach to understand and later on  predict macroscopic properties of this diverse material class is  presented. The so-called Quantum Cluster Equilibrium (QCE) method is  based on a statistical approach which allows to transfer highly reliable  electronic structure data to macroscopic phases. The QCE method will be  introduced and demonstrated at the example of liquid systems.  Afterwards, the extension to amorphous systems such as polymers will be  demonstrated, and promising applications will be presented. Finally, it  will be shown which properties are within the reach of this method and  the limitations will be discussed.

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Tue, 24.10.2023

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Chris McNeill

Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Resonant Tender X-ray Scattering of Conjugated Polymers

Semiconducting polymers are being developed for application in a wide  range of optoelectronic devices including solar cells, LED and  transistors. Being polymeric materials they offer advantages over  traditional semiconductors including ease of processing and mechanical  flexibility. Most semiconducting polymers are semicrystalline, and the  way in which polymer chains pack strongly affects their optoelectronic  performance. Unlike small molecule crystals whose structure can be  directly solved using established crystallographic methods,  semiconducting polymers are more disordered meaning that there are not  enough diffraction peaks available. To squeeze more information from the  diffraction peaks that are present, we have turned to resonant tender  X-ray diffraction: By varying the X-ray energy across an elemental  absorption edge, variations in diffraction intensity are observed that  can provide additional information about molecular packing. Also known  as anomalous diffraction, this technique has been applied in other  fields such as protein crystallography. As many semiconducting polymers  utilise sulfur as heteroatoms, we have studied resonant diffraction  effects at the sulfur K-edge in the tender X-ray regime. By performing  high resolution energy scans across the sulfur K-edge, we show that  spectroscopic information relating to specific bonds and molecular  orientation can be discerned in the resonant X-ray diffraction profiles.
Indeed,  by understanding the anisotropic X-ray absorption properties of these  materials we are able to interpret this data allowing us to distinguish  between different crystalline polymorphs and resolve the tilting of the  polymer backbone with respect to the unit cell axes. In general our work  highlights how the fields of crystallography and spectroscopy can be  combined to provide new insights into the molecular packing of weakly  ordered soft materials.

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Tue, 17.10.2023

16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

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Prof. Dr. Rameshwar Adhikari

Central Department of Chemistry and Research Centre for Applied  Science and Technology (RECAST), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

Structure-Properties Correlations in poly(butylene adipate -co-terephthalate) Based Compostable Composites

We  shed light on the structure-properties correlation of composite  materials comprising a biodegradable polymer, the poly(butylene  adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT), and some natural fibers (such as  lignocelluloses, chitosan processed via different routes) and  nanofillers (such as multiwalled carbon nanotubes), particularly  focusing on mechanical, morphological and electrical properties as well  as degradation under soil burial conditions. It was shown that the  morphology and mechanical properties of the composites can be tailored  over a wide range although the materials were found to be suited for low  load bearing applications.

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Tue, 10.10.2023

4.15 pm in seminar room 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Prof. Dr. Ralf B. Wehrspohn

Microstructure-based Materials Design, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

(Towards) bio-intelligent materials

The wetting behavior on 2D and 3D surfaces for e.g.  polymer processing or nanostructuring is still in detail unknown and  difficult to measure since inner surfaces are difficult to characterize.  Similarly, hierarchically structured polymer nanostructures or  metamaterials with improved mechanical properties exhibit similar  problem understanding their detailed behavior.

For understanding wetting behavior as inner polymer nanostructures,
3D microscopy is of utmost importance. Since about 10 years now, 3D X-Rays Microscopy with nanometer resolution is available for
university research. With our microscopic technology, we are able
to understand for the first time the wetting kinetics and the principles of hierarchically structured polymers.

At  the end of the seminar, the limits in resolution are discussed and  possible ways to circumvent them are presented such as expansion

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