Institute of Physics
The Institute of Physics unites competence in the in-depth
experimental study and the theoretical treatment of the physics of synthetic polymers. Among the experimental techniques, scattering methods, solid-state NMR, and electron microscopy represent the core activities of the Experimental Polymer Physics, NMR, and Materials Science groups, respectively. Our facility also includes routine rheological, thermal, dielectric and optical characterization techniques, along with modern laboratories for sample preparation. The Theoretical Polymer Physics group combines advanced computer simulations and analytical theory.
The following senior scientists are involved in polymer research activities:
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Thurn-Albrecht, Experimental Polymer Physics
- Prof. Dr. Kay Saalwächter, Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Paul, Theoretical Polymer Science
- Prof. Dr. Mario Beiner, Experimental Polymer Physics