PD Dr. Mario Beiner
PD Dr. Mario Beiner
Privat Dozent
Experimental Polymer Physics
Department of Physics
Research Interests
Polymer dynamics & dynamics of glass-forming liquids, Properties of self-assembled polymeric nanostructures & networks, Crystallization under confinement, Calorimetry (especially temperature modulated methods), Shear measurements and dielectric spectroscopy
Selected Publications
S. Pankaj, E. Hempel, M. Beiner
Side chain dynamics and crystallization in a series of regio-random poly(3-alkyl thiophenes),
Macromolecules 42 (2009) 716-724.
M. Beiner
Nanoconfinement as a tool to study early stages of polymer crystallization,
J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. 46 (2008) 1556-1561
E. Hempel, H. Budde, S. Höring, M. Beiner
Crystallization behavior of frustrated alkyl groups in polymeric systems containing octadecylmethacrylate
Lecture Notes in Physics 714, 201-228 (2007)
M. Beiner
Proteins: Is the folding process dynamically encoded?
Soft Matter 2, 391-393 (2007)
M. Beiner, K.L. Ngai
Interrelation between primary and secondary relaxations in polymerizing epoxy resins
Macromolecules 38 7033-7042 (2005)
M. Beiner, H. Huth
Nanophase separation and hindered glass transition in side-chain polymers
Nature Materials 2, 595-599 (2003)
M. Beiner, H. Huth, K. Schröter
Crossover region of dynamic glass transition: General trends and individual aspects
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 279, 126-135 (2001)
H. Huth, M. Beiner, E. Donth
Temperature dependence of glass-transition cooperativity from heat-capacity spectroscopy: Two post-Adam-Gibbs variants
Physical Review B 61, 15092-15101 (2000)
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