Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

SFB TRR 102 Logo

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8th Retreat 20.-21.4.2023 in Wittenberg (Leucorea)

8th Retreat (April 20-21, 2023)

In addition to reporting on the current status of the projects of the SFB TRR 102 "Polymers under Constrained Conditions" after almost 12 years of research, the retreat will feature presentations by external guests from academia and beyond.
Furthermore, the meeting will serve to discuss the content of the formal final report for the DFG.
This time the program is organized by a group of PhD students of the SFB.

(Preliminary) Schedule

TimeThursday (20.04.2023)
Breakfast (for those who arrived already on Wednesday)
Cafeteria and SR 4, 1st floor
9.30 amWelcome & speaker's report
Lectorium, 3rd floor
10 amTalk: Wolfgang Binder (MLU)
"Hybrid polymers as model entities in fibrillation and folding"
Lectorium, 3rd floor
10.20 amCoffee break (infront of Lectorium) and
begin poster exhibition (SR 1/2, 1st floor)
10.45 amTalk: Matthias Hartlieb (University of Potsdam)
"Tales about Antimicrobial Polymers"
Lectorium, 3rd floor
11.30 amTalk: Birgit Strodel (University of Düsseldorf)
"Emergence of order in Aβ through molecular interactions and self-assembly"
Lectorium, 3rd floor
12.15 pmGroup photo in the courtyard
12.20 pmLunch
Cafeteria and SR 4, 1st floor
2 pmTalk: Benedikt Schwarze (Leipzig University)
"Amyloid β40 - a research history as devious as its misfolding landscape"
Auditorium, groundfloor
2.20 pmTalk: Wolfgang Hoyer (University of Düsseldorf)
"Protofibrils vs. cross-β fibrils: Two alternative amyloid assembly types"
Auditorium, groundfloor
3.05 pmCoffee break
Foyer, groundfloor
3.45 pmPI meeting (PIs only)
SR 10, 1st floor
3.45 pmIn parallel:
Insights behind the CV: Alycin Rhoades
(for iRTG members and PosDocs)
Auditorium, groundfloor
6.30 pmDinner
Cafeteria and SR 4, 1st floor
8 pmTalk: Matthias Ullrich (Borealis)
"Academia & industry: Two career paths, less divergent than one may think"
Auditorium, groundfloor
TimeFriday (21.04.2023)
7.30-9.00 UhrBreakfast (for those who stay at Leucorea)
Cafeteria and SR 4, 1st floor
9 amTalk: Kay Saalwächter (MLU)
"Our progress in understanding polymer crystallization"
Auditorium, groundfloor
9.20 amTalk: Kostas Daoulas (MPI Mainz)
"Ultra coarse-grained modelling of near-crystalline functional polymers: What can we learn?"
Auditorium, groundfloor
10.05 amCoffee break
Foyer, groundfloor
10.45 amTalk: Michael Büker
"Science Communication: From the Lab Out Into the World"
Auditorium, groundfloor
11:45 amTalk: Peter Seeberger (MPI Potsdam)
"Synthetic Polysaccharides as Basis for Material Science applications" & a short introduction to the CTC
Auditorium, groundfloor
12.30 pmLunch
Cafeteria and SR 4, 1st floor
1.45 pmTalk: Alicyn Rhoades (Penn State Behrend, USA)
"Flow-Induced Crystallization Polymers Across the Spectrum of Backbone Rigidity"
Auditorium, groundfloor
2.30 pmConclusion & farewell reception
Foyer, groundfloor

Detailed program (short-edge printing)
Programm Retreat @Wittenberg_2023-04.pdf (1014.8 KB)  vom 19.04.2023

Terms and program details


  • Individual via train or car from Halle and Leipzig
