Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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8. Minisymposium

8th Minisymposium
Friday, 17th of July 2020, 2:30 pm (via Zoom)

The 8th Minisymposium will be organized by Dr. Martin Tress (Leipzig University).

Due to the current situation it will be held as a webinar.

2:30 pmTalk by Jana Wägele, Martin Luther Universtity Halle-Wittenberg
"Aβ fibrilliation - a non-nucleation process?"
2:50 pmTalk by Prof. Dominik Wöll, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Aachen University
"Super-resolution imaging of functional, responsive microgels"
3:25 pmBreak and discussions in breakout rooms
3:45 pmTalk by Muhammad Tariq, Martin Luther Universtity Halle-Wittenberg
"Thermodynamics of Interface-Induced Crystallization via Prefreezing"
4:05 pmTalk by Prof. Christoph Schick, Rostock University
"Growth and Dissolution of Crystal Nuclei in PLLA"
4:40 pmDiscussions with speakers in breakout rooms

Detailed program (short-edge printing)
flyer_8th Minisymposium.pdf (336.1 KB)  vom 15.07.2020
