Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

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10. Minisymposium

10th Minisymposium
Freitag, 11. Februar 2022, 13:15-16:15 Uhr (online)

Das 10. Minisymposium wird von Prof. Bernd Abel (UL) und Dr. Jonas Warneke (UL) organisiert.

Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation findet dieses als Webinar über Zoom statt.

1.15 pmWelcome and Award of the Halle Young Polymer Scientists Scholarship
1.35 pmTalk by Stefan Mannsfeld, TU Dresden
“Semiconducting Polymers and Small Molecules for Electronic Device Applications”
2.15 pmTalk by Oleksandr Dolynchuk, MLU
"Role of Interfaces in Controlling the Crystal Orientation in Thin Films of Polythiophenes"
2.35 pmBreak
2.50 pmTalk by Sebastian Kawa, UL
“Binding of Highly Reactive Fragment Ions to Monomers and Peptides via Ion Soft-landing”
3.10 pmMeeting in Breakout Sessions for Individual Discussions (optional)

Detailiertes Programm
flyer_minisymposium10_V3.pdf (362,7 KB)  vom 10.02.2022

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