Good scientific practice
Every scientist doing research at the Martlin-Luther-University and the University of Leipzig has to comply with the rules of good scientific practice.
In this workshop principles of good scientific practice, e.g. professional standards such as honesty and openness, as well as data preparation and documentation will be discussed.
Terms and Applications
- Date: April 15, 2014
- Time: 1.00-3.00 pm
- Venue: VDP 3, 1.06
- Workshop language: English
- max. participants: 30
Dr. Thomas Michael, MLU Halle
Supporting material
Satzung über die Grundsätze zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und über den Umgang mit Vorwürfen wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (only in german)
Registration for the course
Please fill out the registration form to enroll yourself to the course. You will receive an confirmation email.
Please contact sfb-trr-102-office(at) in case of questions.