Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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NMR spectroscopy for biomolecular and materials characterization


This module addresses doctoral students in chemistry, physics, biophysics, and related fields without much prior knowledge in NMR spectroscopy. It introduces the basic theoretical and technical concepts necessary for an understanding of data/spectrum acquisition in pulsed NMR and the information content, and focuses on a few specific experimental techniques to study dynamics in polymer and biopolymer systems.


Each day of the two-day program starts with a series of lectures in the morning, followed by hands-on experiments on low-field NMR spectrometers, and demonstrations on high-field spectrometers, during the afternoon.


  • basic principles of pulsed NMR: time evolution of magnetization (precession) and Fourier transformation, NMR interactions and spectral information content
  • technical aspects of pulsed NMR: radio-frequency pulses, frequency mixing (=rotating frame), phase-sensitive detection, digitization
  • influence of molecular structure and dynamics on NMR observables, applications to polymers
  • use of pulsed field gradients for imaging and diffusion, applications to the measurement of diffusion of polymers to study molecular weight and conformation

Hands-on lab course:

  • basic pulsed NMR: time-domain experiments and Fourier transformation, determination of relaxation times
  • study of phase structure and dynamics in inhomogeneous (phase-separated) polymers, biopolymers or food systems by time-domain low-field NMR: bring your own sample!
  • study of macro(molecular) diffusion by pulsed-gradient NMR, applications to protein solutions

Recommendations for literature

  • E. Fukushima, S. B. W. Roeder: Experimental Pulse NMR: A Nuts and Bolts Approach. Westview Press, Boulder 1993
  • K. Saalwächter, D. Reichert: Magnetic Resonance: Polymer Applications of NMR. In: Encyclodedia of Spectroscopy & Spectrometry, 2nd edition, vol. 3, pp. 2221-2236. Editors: J. Lindon, G. Tranter, D. Koppenaal. Elsevier, Oxford 2010. (Abstract)

Terms and Applications

  • Date: July 25-26, 2013
  • Time: 9am-5pm
  • Venue: seminar room, NMR building, Betty-Heimann-Str. 7, 06120 Halle
  • Group size: maximal 12
  • Language: English


Kay Saalwächter, Günter Hempel, Jochen Balbach

Registration for the course

Please fill out the registration form to enroll yourself to the course. You will receive an confirmation email.

Please contact sfb-trr-102-office(at) in case of questions.
