Publications 2023
- Katalee Jariyavidyanont, Qiang Yu, Albrecht Petzold, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht, Rainer Glüge, Holm Altenbach, Rene Androsch,
Young's modulus of the different crystalline phases of poly (l-lactic acid)
J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 137, 105546 (2023) [A01]
- Akshay Karekar, Carsten Schicktanz, Muhammad Tariq, Katja Oßwald, Katrin Reincke, Valentin Cepus, Beate Langer, Kay Saalwächter,
Effects of artificial weathering in NR/SBR elastomer blends
Polymer Degradation and Stability 208, 110267 (2023) [B03]
- Timur Shakirov and Wolfgang Paul,
Aggregation and crystallization of small alkanes
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 094905 (2023) [A07]
- Torsten John, Stefania Piantavigna, Tiara J. A. Dealey, Bernd Abel, Herre Jelger Risselada, Lisandra L. Martin,
Lipid oxidation controls peptide self-assembly near membranes through a surface attraction mechanism
Chem. Sci. 14, 3730-3741 (2023) [B01]
- Frank Cichos and Thomas Thurn-Albrecht,
Polymers under Multiple Constraints: Restricted and Controlled Molecular Order and Mobility
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 224, 2300172 (2023) []
- Kay Saalwächter, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht, Wolfgang Paul,
Recent Progress in Understanding Polymer Crystallization
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 224, 2200424 (2023) [A01/A07]
- Qiang Yu, Afiq Anuar, Albrecht Petzold, Jens Balko, Kay Saalwächter, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht,
The Semicrystalline Morphology of Polybutylene Succinate Supports a General Scheme Based on Intracrystalline Dynamics
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 224, 2200459 (2023) [A01]
- Rene Sattler, Varun Danke, Mario Beiner,
Long Chain Polyamides: Influence of Methylene Sequence Length and External Forces on Structural Features
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 224, 2200433 (2023) [B14]
- Wycliffe Kiprop Kipnusu, Evgeny Zhuravlev, Christoph Schick, Friedrich Kremer,
The Initial Molecular Interactions in the Course of Enthalpy Relaxation and Nucleation in Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) as Monitored by Combined Nanocalorimetry and FTIR Spectroscopy
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 224, 2200443 (2023) [B08]
- Oleksandr Dolynchuk, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht,
On Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Interface-Induced Crystallization in Polymers
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 224, 2200455 (2023) [B03]
- Nazmul Hasan, Thi Minh Hai Nguyen, Karsten Busse, Jörg Kressler,
Influence of Tacticity on the Structure Formation of Poly(methacrylic acid) in Langmuir/Langmuir–Blodgett and Thin Films
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 224, 2200428 (2023) [B07]
- Wing Kit Or, Alaa Youssef Amin Hassan, Martin Tress,
Crystallizability of Free and Tethered Chains in Nanometer-Sized Droplets
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 224, 2200452 (2023) [B15]
- Stefan Schnabel, Wolfhard Janke,
Monte Carlo Simulation of Long Hard-Sphere Polymer Chains in Two to Five Dimensions
Macromol. Theory Simul. , 2200080 (2023) [B04]
- Christian Lauer, Wolfgang Paul,
Dimerization of Polyglutamine within the PRIME20 Model using Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo
Macromol. Theory Simul. , 2200075 (2023) [A07]
- Anika Wurl, Tiago M. Ferreira,
Atomistic MD Simulations of n-Alkanes in a Phospholipid Bilayer: CHARMM36 versus Slipids
Macromol. Theory Simul. , 2200078 (2023) [B16]
- David J. Simon, Felix Hartmann, Tobias Thalheim, Frank Cichos,
Thermoplasmonic Manipulation for the Study of Single Polymers and Protein Aggregates
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 224, 2300060 (2023) [B10]
- Benedikt Schwarze, Daniel Huster,
How Single Site Mutations Can Help Understanding Structure Formation of Amyloid β1−40
Macromol. Biosci. 23, 2200489 (2023) [A06]
- Torsten John, Lisandra L. Martin, Bernd Abel,
Peptide Self-Assembly into Amyloid Fibrils at Hard and Soft Interfaces—From Corona Formation to Membrane Activity
Macromol. Biosci. 23, 2200576 (2023) [B01]
- Newton Sen, Caroline Haupt, Gerd Hause, Kirsten Bacia, Wolfgang H. Binder,
Inhibition of the Fibrillation of Amyloid Aβ1-40 by Hybrid-Lipid-Polymer Vesicles
Macromol. Biosci. 23, 2200522 (2023) [A12]
- Silvia De Sio, Jana Waegele, Twinkle Bhatia, Bruno Voigt, Hauke Lilie, Maria Ott,
Inherent Adaptivity of Alzheimer Peptides to Crowded Environments
Macromol. Biosci. 23, 2200527 (2023) [B12]
- Bruno Voigt, Maria Ott, Jochen Balbach,
A Competition of Secondary and Primary Nucleation Controls Amyloid Fibril Formation of the Parathyroid Hormone
Macromol. Biosci. 23, 2200525 (2023) [A12]
- Susanne Weininger, Malte Neudorf, Stefan Gröger, Eric Plato, Robert Broneske, Kay Saalwächter, Ulrich Weininger, Jochen Balbach,
Early Stage UV-B Induced Molecular Modifications of Human Eye Lens γD-Crystallin
Macromol. Biosci. 23, 2200526 (2023) [A08]
- Anna-Maria Tsirigoni, Melis Goktas, Zeynep Atris, Angelo Valleriani, Ana Vila Verde, Kerstin G. Blank,
Chain Sliding versus β-Sheet Formation upon Shearing Single α-Helical Coiled Coils
Macromol. Biosci. 23, 2200563 (2023) [B17]
- Matthias Rohmer, Jan Freudenberg, Wolfgang Hubertus Binder,
Secondary Structures in Synthetic Poly(Amino Acids): Homo- and Copolymers of Poly(Aib), Poly(Glu), and Poly(Asp)
Macromol. Biosci. 23, 2200344 (2023) [A03/A12]
- Thomas Kunze, Christian Dreßler, Daniel Sebastiani,
Secondary Structure Formation in Hybrid Synthetic/Peptide Polymers: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Macromol. Theory Simul. 32, 2200070 (2023) [A09]
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