Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Time and self management

This workshop helps doctoral students and postdocs to develop skills in self and time management to deal with the specific work load and pressure of a dissertation project.

Target audience

Doctoral students and postdocs


Time- and self-management is a set of methods, skills, and strategies to effectively direct your activities toward your objectives. In this workshop the trainer will give an overview over the field and help you identify areas of improvement for your individual time- and self-management system. We work on the three areas effectiveness, efficiency, and balance and discuss procrastination, perfectionism, and other typical issues. You learn how to develop and install time- and self-management habits to leverage your success in the doctorate.


The workshop is oriented toward the development of individual, immediately applicable strategies. The methods include input by the trainer, individual and group work, as well as discussions and peer-feedback.

Terms and Applications

  • Date: 13.11.2013
  • Time: 9am-5pm
  • Venue: Halle, VDP3 1.12
  • Group size: maximal 12
  • Workshop language: English


Dr. María Machón
The Spanish-born trainer is a studied physicists, having graduated from TU Berlin with a doctorate in nanostructes and a lot of training experience concerning personal skills seminars at various institutions.

Registration for the course

Please fill out the registration form to enroll yourself to the course. You will receive an confirmation email.

Registration complete.

Please contact sfb-trr-102-office(at) in case of questions.
