Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

SFB TRR 102 Logo

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Introduction to Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymers

The current ATM focuses on two methods of computer simulation, the Monte Carlo method and Molecular Dynamics simulations. The aim of this module is to give an insight into theoretical foundations and the practical work of these two methods.

Lecture 07.02.2013, 9.15-12.30 , VSP1, SR. 1.02, MLU

Prof. W. Paul (Martin-Luther-University):
Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Lab Course 07.02.13, 14.00-17.00, VSP1,
computer pool 3.35

Prof. W. Paul (Martin-Luther-University):
Practical aspects of Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Lecture 08.02.13, 9:30-12:30, ITP, Brüderstr. 16, Room: 210, UL

Prof. W. Janke (University of Leipzig):
Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulations

Lab Course 08.02.13, 14.00-17.00, ITP, Brüderstr. 16, Room: 113, UL

Prof. W. Janke (University of Leipzig):
Practical aspects of Monte Carlo Simulations

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