Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

SFB TRR 102 Logo


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Bilateral Young Researchers Meeting Halle/Leipzig Changchun (September 20+21, 2022)

Over the past years, the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry and the SFB/TRR 102 have established successful collaborations. The aim of this meeeting is to bring together researchers on the  postdoctoral level to foster the exchange between our institutions. Due  to pandemic restrictions, this meeting will take place online on two  mornings in Germany and two afternoons in China. The participants will  introduce themselves through short presentations and exchange about  their research interests and competences during round table discussions.

Schedule (as of September 13, 2022)
2022-09-13-Schedule_Young Researchers Meeting.pdf (356,9 KB)  vom 13.09.2022

The meeting will take place online via zoom:   

(Meeting-ID: 932 2177 9598, Password: 547489)

Please join a few minutes ahead of time!

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