Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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7. Minisymposium

7th Minisymposium
Friday, 13th of December 2019 in Leipzig

Event location:

Universität Leipzig
Carl-Ludwig-Institute for Physiology
Liebigstraße 27
Small Lecture Hall (Room 103)

(S-Bahn to Bayrischer Platz or Tram no 15 to Ostplatz)

12 pmSnack Buffet (foyer)
1 pmTalk by Dr. Quan Wang, Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University
"Single-molecule sensing of protein oligomerization and phosphorylation states in solution "
1.40pmTalk by Arne Böker, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
"Structure formation of single polypeptide chains in computer simulation"
2 pmTalk by Tobias Thalheim, Leipzig University
"Excluded Volume Studies on a Single Semi-Flexible Polymer Chain"
2.20 pmCoffee break (foyer)
2.50pmTalk by Prof. Dr. Alexander K. Buell, Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, DTU
"The autocatalytic amplification of amyloid fibrils through secondary nucleation"
3.30pmTalk by Torsten John, The Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM)
"The impact of nanostructured interfaces on amyloid peptide aggregation"

Detailed program (short-edge printing)
Flyer_minisymposium7_Leipzig.pdf (259.1 KB)  vom 06.12.2019
