Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

SFB TRR 102 Logo

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Complete list of publications SFB TRR 102
SFB-TRR102_Publications_all_2023-12-31.pdf (2.4 MB)  vom 17.01.2024

Selected publications

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Virtual Issue

Final report of the SFB TRR 102: A virtual issue dedicated to our Collaborative Research Center SFB TRR 102 "Polymers under multiple constraints: restricted and controlled molecular order and mobility" featured in Macromolecular Journals.

Acknowledgement in SFB publications

Publications resulting from DFG-funded projects must contain the following reference to DFG-Funding: „Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project-ID 189853844 – TRR 102“.
